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[S2E2] The Way We Were ((FULL))

Marissa shows Ryan around her new house, or rather, they look at the outside of the house. Marissa inquires about what's up with Ryan & Theresa, and that's how we learn that Ryan and Theresa weren't "together" while they were living together and getting ready to raise a baby together. If that makes any sense. Ryan's not big on discussing his feelings, so he quickly changes the topic to Marissa's dating life, and she says she's not dating anyone. This includes DJ The YardBoy, who is watching this from a balcony. Since she's single, Ryan asks her to go to the Kickoff Carnival, and then there's kissing and glaring from DJ.

[S2E2] The Way We Were

Hailey gets Jimmy nice and loaded on wine before breaking the news about her job offer in Japan. Jimmy's reaction? MARRY ME AND USE MY MONEY TO DO YOUR OWN FASHION THING HERE. We cut away to Summer doing some high frequency meditation before Hailey can answer, and I'm actually surprised that we're following up on this frequency thing from last episode. There's a knock at the door and Summer shouts at her step-mother to let her study for Intro To Pre-Calc in peace, but it's actually Ryan. There's a nice bit where Ryan thinks that Summer's Horrible Step-Mother was pretty nice, but then we get to the meat of the issue: Seth doesn't know Ryan's there to apologize for being the root cause of destroying the Summer/Seth relationship. Summer says that Zach's not actually her boyfriend because she's done with boyfriends after dealing with Seth. Well, hey, maybe things can just go back to the way they were, then? Summer tells Ryan that everyone's moved on after the boys left town, which throws Ryan for a loop because she meant Marissa moved on, too. Summer tells Ryan to go talk to Marissa.

After a brief meet-up between Kirsten and Jimmy at her office where we learn that Hailey is in fact going to Japan, the boys head to the Kickoff Carnival. No pressure, guys, last year's Carnival only determined your romantic futures for the entire rest of the school year. Ryan finds Marissa over by the Ferris wheel, which, as you'll remember, is where they kissed for the first time a year ago. Ryan just wanted the truth, Marissa says she didn't lie, Ryan says yes you did, and then the shouting. Ryan says they can only be friends. "We were never just friends." "I guess that was the problem. See ya." Ryan ACTUALLY said "see ya." That's cold, bro.

Roishetta Sibley Ozane: I was encountering several homeless people and several families who were sleeping in their cars, in their front yard. Or like a family of six or seven were sleeping in a small RV in the yard of their house that was completely destroyed and unlivable. But they didn't have anywhere else to stay.

Thousands of people were still waiting for FEMA to set up trailers. The agency had money to help people find other housing, but a lot of families were getting denied. And there was very little housing available in Lake Charles. As Roishetta was driving around the city, she had this gnawing thought.

But the threat was just as bad in Louisiana, and in Lake Charles, people were still recovering from two massive hurricanes. This was going to be their third historic storm in the span of just a few months.

Dominique is a singer in a successful local cover band with a day job, too. She and her husband had some money to put toward housing people, but not a lot. Their own house had been wrecked and they were fighting insurance.

Roishetta Sibley Ozane: I'm a mom. She's a mom. Our babies were crying and we were just like, we're going to get this done. We were literally up all night, like the last two nights, trying to make sure we met every need. And all of this is because of private citizens and their donations.

This whole time, while she was helping other families get into housing, Roishetta was house hunting for herself, too. Thousands of homes were still damaged and off the market. But Roishetta was hoping to buy for the very first time.

And calls like that kept coming from people who'd been passed from one local aid group to another. But a lot of those local groups were out of money. If they called Roishetta, she always tried to help.

Handmaid Justice manifests in many forms. We saw sisterhood and solidarity when they refused to execute Janine. By honouring the victims and restoring their dignity, June subverts the narrative that they were criminals, and so, partially rights that wrong. And then there is the vengeful side of Handmaid Justice: the side that seeks to punish.

We weren't doing a lot of high stakes testing yet to high stakes testing. And so that was a big transition leaving from my first life in education to my second life in education, because I was the mother of two small children. And I was going back into the classroom and things had changed so drastically. I quickly learned that technology could help me be a more efficient mother and a more efficient teacher. And so I started utilizing the tools just to get my job done, because I couldn't get it all done. And I have very high standards for myself. And so that's kind of how it started. And then I started attending different professional development during the summer. And I got to know the instructional technology coaches that would help you embed instruction and got to develop relationships with them and really liked how it was transforming learning in the classroom.

So, I would jump in and try things. And then I discovered Twitter. And it got to the point that I was doing a Twitter chat once a night, seven days a week. And that got the attention of the instructional technology team at this large district that I worked at in Texas. And they asked me to join their team. And then I started leading the Twitter chat for our district. What it did for me is it found... I was able to find relevant PD that I could walk right into my classroom the next day, after being in a Twitter chat in the evening and integrating that into whatever we did. And if you remember, I was talking about, I was a mom too, well, my kids were using devices in their hands and I didn't want them to be passive learners or just being entertained by technology. I wanted them to be using it purposefully. So just like a good teacher mom, I wouldn't let them just watch something. I made them do something with it.

And a lot of times when I wanted to do something like classroom I'd first have my kids do it so that they could show me, what do I need to break it down so that kids could do it easily? What are the hiccups? What can't you understand? So, they were, I would say my beta testers for whatever I wanted to do in the classroom. And so that's kind of how I fell in love with instructional technology and digital learning. And then I stepped into an instructional technology coach, like I said, which walked me into a curriculum coach in a middle school. And my biggest thing was to win over my hardest my most reluctant teacher when it came to that. And I was able to do that several times and it was through relationships, just building those relationships and let me change one thing that they're doing from their analog approach. And I call it analog when it's paper pencil, to that digital approach and then see how it would reap the benefits, for them as educators and with their students.

Well, I know that during the last couple of years, when we had had to transition to so much online learning that our school librarians were really fundamental in helping that happen. I saw so many library websites that became so much more interactive as they worked really hard to provide those resources that their teachers needed, and the support that they needed. They spent a lot of hours every day supporting the technology aspects of helping those teachers as they transitioned to online learning. So I know there's a lot of interest out there and we can certainly work on getting that word out and coming up with, I mean, I can envision us having some all day conference days where we pull school librarians in and we work with them on developing some of that expertise for online learning. So I'm real excited about the possibilities of what we might be able to do.

Online teaching assessment, we actually are working with the higher ed. And I don't know if you remember this past summer, there was a huge push for several different graduate certificate programs that teachers could do, and they could apply and they might be selected and I'm afraid I'm going to miss somebody. I was just in a meeting with higher ed talking about the assessment this spring, but it includes Henderson State, Arkansas State, John Brown University, University of Arkansas, UCA, Arkansas Tech. I'm probably leaving someone out, and if I am, please know that it's just because I'm forgetful, but I will just have to tell you, it was such an amazing meeting that we had. We're working on the assessment with them. They were giving us feedback. They've designed a wonderful program to help teachers get a certificate in online teaching, and learning.

Oh, absolutely. So I'm going to kind of talk from a parent perspective for a minute because that's where I operate from a lot of times for what I do. And it's not just a parent for my own children, but t's for the parents out there with other children. One of the reasons I'm so passionate about the position I'm in currently is that I worked in a district in Texas that our students were one to one from kindergarten through 12th grade. And they were actively using devices from the day they walked into kindergarten to the day they walked out in 12th grade, and there was a very intentional use of technology. It wasn't to sit down and watch videos and be consumers, but it was to utilize technology, and create learning. And part of that also incorporated safe practices and teaching students about digital literacy, but the digital literacy can pull was embedded in citizenship, or that digital citizenship, but it wasn't just, here's digital citizenship, and here's the other citizenship. 041b061a72


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